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Video Surveillance

Business Activity Analytics

Manage day-to-day operations while gaining a better understanding of how people move through your business with Pro Series cameras. View insights on customer traffic patterns alongside robust video reporting to make educated business decisions about things like displays or product placement.

Occupancy Tracking

Determine total net occupancy at any given time with multidirectional counting and get alerts when occupancy is too high.

People Counting

Draw a tripwire anywhere within the property to count how many people cross that invisible line in one direction.

Actionable Business Insights with Business Activity Analytics

Heat Mapping

Track and visualize where people spend the most time within an area during a specified date and time range.

Crowd Gathering

Monitor how many people are in a defined area at any given point and get alerts when too many people gather in one space.

Queue Monitoring

Measure average customer wait time and get alerts if the queue length or average wait time exceeds preset limits.

Get Business Activity Analytics

Now more than ever, understanding how people move through your business is vital.
To learn more about Business Activity Analytics, connect with an service provider today.

Get Started Today